La Bevanda che unisce il mondo

The drink that unites the world

If there is one drink that unites the whole world, apart from water, it is coffee. It is drunk everywhere, regardless of continent, weather or religion. In the Eastern and Muslim world there is Turkish coffee, in the Anglo-Saxon world there is the so-called...
La Gioia Della Prima Colazione

The Joy Of Breakfast

A good day starts with breakfast, or rather breakfast, called breakfast elsewhere, but that is another matter. Here in our parts more and more business men and others meet over cappuccino or coffee with croissants, brioches or various...
L’ Antico Caffè Greco

The Ancient Greek Café

On a small table in the Greek Café Gogol' wrote most of Dead Souls. Schopenhauer also often went to the same café, always carrying a white poodle he called Atma ( soul of the world ). In the café he risked being attacked by a...
L’Origine del Cappuccino

The Origin of Cappuccino

Cappuccino is a drink of Italian origin consisting of espresso coffee and foamed milk. In Italy, the country where it is most popular, it is traditionally consumed during the morning, at breakfast or afterwards, never during meals. PreparationIt is usually...
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